Natasha Martin
"Learning to be present"
From a young age, I was always interested in how our feelings influence our thoughts and behavior. This made me curious about how our thoughts control our emotions and, therefore, how we react. The more present I became, the more I could observe and listen to my thoughts.
"Learning to listen to my intuition"
The voice of the observer, I realized, was my intuition, some call it gut, others a feeling, the higher self, or the soul. This understanding has no religious connotations; it is something deeper that we need to listen to and tap into so we can find our authentic selves.
"Trusting my intuition"
The more I practiced being present and listening to my intuition, the more I was able to understand how our mind gets cluttered by past or future thoughts. When we live in the present, we become less controlled by our thoughts; we start to understand those unhelpful thoughts and behaviors. This is a practice like any other as it is about re-training our behavioral patterns, creating that space of connection within ourselves, and learning to listen and trust our intuition.
Level 4 Diploma for Integrative Counselling NCS
Membership with the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
Eckhart Tolle School of Awakening - Advance Program in Presence and Higher Self
Youth Mindfulness - Certificate Teacher Training
Akashic Record Reader -School of Knowing Lisa Ciardelli